Vigilance against counterfeit devices is more important than ever…
The electronics industry has been battling counterfeit electronic devices and components for many years. Compounded by the ease of purchasing goods off the internet, the proliferation of counterfeit devices has become a global problem. This same open marketplace now threatens the safety of millions as counterfeiters seek to replicate and reproduce life-saving devices and medications. From counterfeit resin in pelvic mesh to sub-standard hardware implanted into patients during surgeries, concern continues to grow. For sixteen years, eComp has been helping engineers, OEMs and system integrators identify suspect counterfeit devices across multiple industries. We are proud to announce our participation in an upcoming seminar hosted by the Medical Developer’s Group (MDG Boston). The seminar will help identify techniques for battling counterfeit medical devices, components and supplies.
During the event, you will learn how to detect counterfeit products, protect your supply chain and insulate your customers from counterfeits. Also, industry specialists will help you develop best practices to avoid counterfeits during your manufacturing process. Finally, agencies are on hand to help you work with the government to stop the federal flow of counterfeits.
We hope that you’ll join us in discussing what responsible agencies can do to eliminate the risk of these fraudulent and dangerous devices. As a device manufacturer, design house, quality or regulatory professional involved in any of these markets, don’t miss your opportunity to hear from industry specialists and panelists prepared to provide support, insight and solutions to this growing problem. Be sure to stop by and visit our booth on November 2nd between 5:30 and 8:30 PM EST. Registrations for the event can be found at